Life Coaching

Helping you conquer your fears and reach your goals.


Life coaching is a unique experience that allows a client to spend time reflecting on their life and working through obstacles and barriers that are preventing them from living their best life. The coach observes, listens and provides the client tools to formulate measurable ways so that their goals can be reached.

What’s the difference between therapy and life coaching?

Therapy focuses on working through past traumas and other mental health issues while implementing specific therapeutic strategies to manage the client’s concerns. Life coaching focuses on where you are now and helps you move forward towards creating the future that you want - consistently focusing on what you want and how to get there rather than the obstacles and problems getting in the way. Life coaching is focused on creating solutions. Life coaching does not address serious mental health concerns.

Possible coaching areas:

  • Career/Education

  • Finances

  • Relationships

  • Stress Management

  • Communication

  • Body Image

  • Time Management and Organization

  • Life Goal Setting


60 minute session (in-person)


60 minute session (virtual)




Gottman Method Couples Counseling