Gottman Method

Couples Counseling

From Research to Practice.

Based on the work of world renowned couples researchers and therapists, including John and Julie Gottman, Susan Johnson, Dan Wile and others, I provide a straightforward framework in which any couple can learn tools and exercises to renew, repair, rebuild and rejuvenate their relationship. My evidence-based approach to relationships provides a clear and uncomplicated structure to improving and strengthening relationships.

A strong, healthy and fun relationship can be a cornerstone of support in your life. Good relationships improve all aspects of your life, strengthening your health and wellbeing, your career, your resilience, and your connections with family, friends and colleagues. Relationships are your most important investment; they provide the structure not only for love and connection but also for families, finances and recreation.

My programs are filled with practical strategies that go to the heart of what makes relationships strong, meaningful and connected. I will provide you with the techniques to strengthen and build stronger, closer and more intimate relationships.

A goal-oriented approach.

This evidence-based approach to couples counseling has 3 phases. The first phase is assessment, before we can successfully help you repair, rebuild or rejuvenate your relationship we first have to understand how it got there. We therefore see you both together for your first appointment where we will explore why you have come to couples therapy now and we take a history of your relationship to establish how it has developed over time. Then we ask you both to complete a very thorough online assessment and once that is done we see you each for one individual session each so we can understand your own unique history and perspective. From then on every session will be a couple session. Therapy progresses with goal setting and specific interventions proven to help couples build a stronger relationship.

Research indicates that couples typically need 15-20 hours of therapy to effectively overcome their specific issues. This is a significant time and financial commitment that must be considered deeply and discussed between both partners. Understanding and accepting the time and financial commitment prior to beginning therapy will help to prevent additional stress on the relationship. It is recommended that couples purchase the 20 hour package to make the full commitment and avoid any confusion or frustration about costs. Additionally, purchasing a package offers a significant discount. The20 hour package includes the thorough online assessment, 1.5 hours of initial interview assessment, 1.5 hours of individual sessions, and 1 hour of assessment review and goal setting. The 20 hour full package will be followed by ongoing couples sessions between 1-1.5 hours per session.

Couples who choose not to purchase a package deal will follow the same approach as the package but do not need to commit to any number of sessions and will not receive any discount.


20 hour package (in-person)



60 minute session (in-person)



60 minute session (virtual)


90 minute session (in-person)



90 minute session (virtual)


Life Coaching


Family Counseling